Driving times in New Zealand can be deceiving.  Although we are a small country, you will need to allow plenty of time to travel between destinations.

The driving times and distances provided allow for the most direct route between locations and are approximate.  They allow for variable road conditions, rest stops, and fuel stops.  Mileage may vary.

We recommend you allow additional time for sightseeing, photo opportunities and meal breaks.  New Zealand speed limits vary from 30 kph through to 100 kph on the open road.  For most trips we suggest you allow for an average speed of 80 kph.

North Island

The North Island of New Zealand offers beautiful scenic coastlines and rolling rural vistas, and will give you an insight to New Zealand’s history along with cultural and geothermal experiences.

South Island

The South Island will leave you breathless with majestic alpine scenery, rugged coastlines and adventure playgrounds and wide open roads.

Please follow the below link to the Tourism New Zealand website for driving times.
